Monday, April 4, 2016


So this weeks email is going to be pretty short! We went hiking today for zone Pday, so I don't have that much time to email. We went to a place called Silver Falls and it has a bunch of waterfalls! It was beautiful! It went from sunny to raining to hailing back to raining and then back to sunny all within the space of an hour. Oregon weather is messed up 😂 But it made the hike that much more entertaining!

So here's the craziest thing that happened to us this week! Sister Hartvigsen and I were tracting on Friday night, and we totally saw a guy get taken down and tased by the cops! It was nuts! We were walking away from a door that we had knocked on and we turn around the corner and see these two guys beating up on another guy. At first we thought we were just witnessing someone getting the heck beat out of them, and then we realized that they were cops and then all of sudden one pulls out his taser and tases the guy! We couldn't stop watching. Needless to say, we didn't finish tracting that area that night 😂

General Conference was awesome! I especially loved President Ucthdorf's and Elder Holland's talks. I loved how Elder Holland said, "Heaven is cheering you on today, tomorrow and forever." Have a great week everyone!

Sister Hanna

PICTURESSilver Falls ~ 2 of our favorite members! Brother Zuniga (He's from New Zealand and he's completely inactive and he grows pot in his backyard but he's so awesome! The first time I saw him I thought that he was a character from Pirates of the Caribbean!) and Cecily (She's a hoot!)


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