Monday, February 8, 2016

Hey people!

This week was a bit of a slow one. We had A LOT of appointments fall through, which gave us the chance to completely rely on the spirit for what we needed to do. It was really neat to see the spirit work with us, and there were many places and people we were led to that we otherwise wouldn't have been if those appointments didn't cancel. We had a lot of opportunities to meet people who weren't necessarily interested in the gospel, but who were very nice and willing to talk to us! It was great!

We had stake conference this weekend, and President Samuelian spoke at the Sunday session! Sometimes I forget that he knows other people besides the missionaries. So it was really cool to see him interact with the members after the session. He has blessed and touched so many lives here in Oregon.

So, Dutch Brothers Coffee is a huge thing here in Oregon. Everybody rants and raves about it. So, sister Hart and I decided to see what all the fuss was about, so we decided to grab some hot chocolate from the place. IT WAS SO GOOD. We figured we're both now true Oregonians since we have fallen prey to the Dutch Bros corporation.

Something that I have been studying recently is the New Testament. I've been reading it along with the seminary manual, and it is SO helpful! There is so much symbolism and parallels in the New Testament, it just blows my mind! One of my favorite stories is in Mark, and it's about the story of when Jesus raises the daughter of Jairus from the dead, and also heals the woman with the issue of blood in the process. Jairus, who was highly respected, came to Christ and begged him to heal his daughter. While on His way there, the woman with the issue of blood reached out and touched His garment, and she was healed. Jesus stopped to talk to her and told her that because of her faith, she was made whole. Jesus then went to the house of Jairus and raised his daughter from  the dead. Jairus was socially respected, the woman was an outcast. The two miracles together show that the Savior's compassion and power to heal are extended to all, regardless of social standing. I love Jesus! The Atonement is real and it works for everyone! There are some people who believe that they have done things that they can never be forgiven of, but that is a lie! Not one of us can fall far enough to be out of reach from His love. I love this church, I love this gospel, and I love my Savior!

Sister Hanna

PICTURESSister Hart was sad because I got two packages and she didn't get anything. Don't mind my face ~ Our tiny district

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