Yesterday, we had 13 nonmembers at church! Six of them were potential investigators and we have set up a time to meet with most of them this week! I also spoke in sacrament. Bishop Russell asked me to speak on technology. It's a good thing the missionaries are given so many manuals on how we can effectively use our ipad to fulfill our purpose and help us stay safe from temptation. A quote I used in my talk was by Randall L. Ridd, and he said "the divine purpose of technology is to hasten the work of salvation." It's so true! Throughout time, God has given His children tools that they can use to help further the work. The Liahona was given to Lehi and his family to help them travel to the promised land. The Urim and Thummin was used to help translate the word of God. And today, Heavenly Father has given us the internet! It's so cool to think that technology has a divine purpose.
Probably the best thing that happened this week was that Kaitlin got baptized! Her baptism was SO spiritual! The room was filled with people. She didn't even know most of them, but they were there because they all loved her so much and knew that she is a very special person. The ward has scooped this girl up like none other! She seems as if she's been part of the ward her whole life! It's awesome! So funny story, Sister Munford and I forgot to tell her to bring a towel...sooooo she had to dry off with another jumpsuit! It was so funny, but hey! We're both still new missionaries, it was inevitable that we would mess something up! And the good new is she's not moving back to Florida! WOO!!! Kaitlin told us that she received the revelation that if she went back to Florida, she wouldn't be able to progress in the church as well as she would here. So she's staying! Yay!
Today was zone pday! Again! We went to Bend and played kickball at the park. And the best part...President and Sister Samuelian were there! President played kickball with us and there were a few times when he almost got nailed in the face! He's a good sport though, so no one is getting sent home for kicking the ball too hard! Hahaha! I'm funny :) Just kidding, I'm the only one who laughs at my jokes. We also had interviews with President. President Samuelian is a spiritual giant! Talking with him today is definitely something I needed.
OH MY GOODNESS I ALMOST FORGOT TO TELL YOU! The missionaries are going to the temple on Friday! I. AM. SO. EXCITED. I can't stop talking about it! Guys, I haven't been to the temple since June 23rd! It's going to be so awesome and spiritual and uplifting! I can't wait!
Missionary work is the BEST! I can't even describe how happy and how joyful it is to be doing the Lord's work.
I love you all!
Sister Hanna
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